Financial Literacy2022-02-02T19:45:20+00:00


Financial literacy is for everyone no matter your skills or age. If you are working with limited or substantial financial worth this topic is for you. This includes planning cash flow, budgeting, investing, portfolio skills and borrowing, focusing on any or all of these topics can improve your future.

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You are not alone! And First steps

I once was asked by a senior manager if I knew exactly what my positions were while a trader on Wall St. Yes, I did. Good thing, because it would be a challenge to confidence if I had not. You know that feeling; do I have a solid grasp on something as important as my finances, as well? If I wasn’t motivated before, I was then. I’ve known MBA graduates as well as traders handling billions of dollars in their job functions for top notch firms. In many cases, these professional have avoided applying their focus on their own personal financial management. Amazing! We all get busy [...]

March 28th, 2018|Financial Literacy|

Tom Kutzen on Financial Literacy

Tom Kutzen, of TKSmartworth, provides information and insights on the topic of Financial Literacy. Tom Kutzen has more than thirty years experience in the financial markets working across many markets working with all types of participant investors and many luminaries of the financial world.

January 1st, 2018|Financial Literacy|